Dealing with grown–up stuff
I am a divorcée. It sounds ridiculous to me, but on any remotely legal forms, that’s what I am. I loathe the term. Surely, having been divorced for more years than I was married, I can once again claim to be single?
When you divorce, if there are children involved, negotiations with the in–laws can be… tricky. I have a lot of time for my ex in–laws. I mean, I was always going to be the villain of the piece in their eyes. Of course I was. That’s okay. I understand. We’ve had our differences over the years. We’ve lost our tempers. We’ve said things that can’t be taken back.
But I do love them.
They’re flawed. But show me anyone who isn’t. Most of all, they’ve been phenomenal grandparents. The love they’ve shown for my kids has been beyond anything I could have ever imagined or hoped for.
They are principled, good, morally integral people.
Today, I received some upsetting news about one of them. Most importantly, I’ve discussed it with the kids, and with a little bit of luck, all will be well.
I hope they know I love them.
Thats all, really.